
Passwords and Security

The use of passphrases instead passwords is more intuitive and practical:



Security Tips from Experts and Non-Experts

Great research out from Google about what experts vs. non-experts value in staying secure online. What I appreciate most is having anti-virus software is not on the expert list. I’ve seen for years that anti-virus software just doesn’t work. Hackers will always be one step ahead of the anti-virus makers.



Data Storage Rules

One of my colleagues sent me a link to a great page on Standford’s website defining their data storage rules. With so many processes moving from paper to online it’s important to make sure users know how and when they can collect certain information. I’ve experienced quite a few staff members in departments collecting social security numbers online using non-secure webpages and data being stored in non-encrypted databases.

So pages like this are needed now more than ever, especially as we see more and more data breaches.